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My five-star library 

In between the wandering, a weekend staple for me is the chance to read. To my delight, my eldest daughter loves a good book too. She introduced me to Goodreads where you can rate the books that you read.

Proudly stingy about giving a full five stars, only a REALLY good book makes my five-star library. So here’s my list from the past couple of years. I’ll keep adding to it, when others come along, and in the meantime, recommendations most welcome..

Wish you were here Jodi Picoult_edited.j

In some way shape or form, we all lived this book. Set in the early days of the pandemic, I found this book to an extraordinary recollection of something that was so very recent and yet something that sometimes feels so surreal, as if it never actually happened. Try and read it un-spoilt – don’t read a review. I think you’ll be hooked in an instant.

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Whilst this takes a bit of getting into because of the southern American dialect, it’s well worth persevering with because the story is incredible. I can’t wait to now watch the film, but remember, read the book first!

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​The first book my daughter ever recommended to me, and honestly I only read it because she asked me to. I thought it was probably going to be a book for teens, but all the same, something we could talk about together. How wrong I was. It’s not just for teens. It’s a truly excellent read.

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​On the back of Evelyn Hugo, I followed up with this. And how glad am I now that it’s a wonderful new series on Amazon Prime? Always read the book first… I’m now a fully signed up member of the TJR fan club and am making my way through her entire back catalogue.

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